This project is part of the “Industry 4.0 Open Educational Resource Publication Initiatives,” jointly supported by the Duke Learning Innovation Center and DKU Center for Teaching and Learning under the Carry the Innovation Forward Program. We are grateful for the consistent and generous support from departments at Duke Kunshan University and Duke University. The project was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic when international collaborations were incredibly challenging. However, because of empathy rooted in humanity, we were able to unite and create, thus making the impossible possible. We are forever grateful for the following departments and educators who have been indispensable for the initiatives and beyond.
Center for Teaching and Learning, Duke Kunshan University
Haiyan Zhou, Associate Director
Fan (Luisa) Li, Educational Technology Specialist
Duke Learning Innovation, Duke University
Amy Kenyon, Associate Director, Teaching Innovation
Quentin Ruiz-Esparza, Associate Director, Online Duke
Michael Greene, Associate Director, Learning Technology Services and Strategy
Duke University Libraries
Haley Walton, Librarian for Education and Open Scholarship
Dave Hansen, J.D., Associate University Librarian for Research, Collections & Scholarly Communication
Arnetta C Girardeau, J.D., Copyright & Information Policy Consultant
Office of Information Technology, Duke University
Devon Henry, Producer, Academic Media Production
Stephen Toback, Senior Producer, Academic Media Production
Mich Donovan, Lead Producer, Academic Media Production